
A person types on a laptop displaying the words "Data Protection" alongside an icon of a folder with a padlock, hinting at AvantGuard's dedication to cybersecurity. Office supplies and books on the desk emphasize a commitment to data security and business growth.

AvantGuard: Advanced Data Security for Scalable and Secure Business Growth

Innovative, Cloud-First Backup & Recovery Avantguard is an innovative managed services provider based in Milford, CT, United States. We specialize in delivering cutting-edge data protection solutions designed to keep businesses secure, resilient, and always operational. Powered by Cove Data Protection from N-able, Avantguard provides a cloud-first backup and recovery solution that simplifies data protection, eliminates […]
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Illustration depicting the concept of DNS surrounded by domain extensions like .com, .org, .net, .biz, and .blog. Features a computer server, globe, and a laptop with "DNS" on the screen. Emphasizing online safety through DNS filtering, it's all framed by green foliage.

Stop Threats Before They Start: Why DNS Filtering is Essential for Online Safety

In today’s digital landscape, safeguarding your organization’s network from cyber threats is paramount. One effective method to enhance security is through DNS filtering. This article delves into what DNS filtering is, how it operates, and the benefits it offers, with a focus on DNSFilter’s solutions. Introducing Avantguard Managed Security – WebFiltering DNSFilter is a cloud-based, […]
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A laptop displays icons symbolizing Privileged Access Management (PAM), enveloped by symbols for cloud computing, managed security, and digital access. A central icon of a protected document emphasizes secure data management and enhanced business security.

Understanding Managed Security- Privileged Access Management (PAM): A Crucial Element in Modern Business Security

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, one critical area often overlooked by businesses is Privileged Access Management (PAM). As cyber threats grow increasingly sophisticated, safeguarding sensitive information and systems requires a robust strategy to manage and control privileged access. This blog dives into the importance of PAM, its scope, the users who benefit from it, […]
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A person in a suit holds digital cloud icons connected to various devices. The text reads, "Discover smart tactics from the ultimate guide to cutting cloud waste at your business.


WHAT IS CLOUD WASTE Cloud waste refers to the unnecessary or unused cloud resources thatdrive up costs without delivering value. From idle virtual machines toover-provisioned instances, cloud waste silently chips away at companybudgets. In 2022 alone, organizations spent $490 billion on the cloud,with an estimated $147 billion squandered due to inefficiencies. Withcloud spending set to […]
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Free cloud computing connection cloud vector

Smart Tactics to Reduce Cloud Waste at Your Business

Cloud computing has revolutionized the way businesses operate. It offers scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency. But cloud services also come with a downside: cloud waste. Cloud waste is the unnecessary spending of resources and money on cloud services. These services are often not fully utilized or optimized. About 32% of cloud spending is wasted. This can […]
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Empowering Small Businesses: The Business Benefits of Using Microsoft Power BI

Attention business owners! Are you tired of struggling to stay ahead of the game without real-time insights into your operations and customer base? Say hello to business intelligence solutions! These powerful tools were once reserved for big players, but now they’re accessible to businesses of all sizes. With the ability to forecast opportunities, make quick […]
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Why Use a Managed Services Provider (MSP)?

In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing business landscape, organizations of all sizes are constantly seeking ways to optimize their operations and maximize productivity. One approach that has gained significant popularity in recent years is to partner with a managed services provider (MSP). But what exactly is an MSP, and why should your business consider utilizing their […]
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What is a Written Information Security Plan (WISP) and Why is it Important for your Business?

Living in a highly interconnected digital era, your business data holds utmost importance. Regrettably, it is also profoundly at risk due to the prevalent cyber crimes threatening us from every direction. From phishing scams In relation to data breaches, companies face significant financial losses due to cybersecurity risks, losing thousands of dollars. Furthermore, they also have to spend […]
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