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About Our Company ~

Do You Have The Right IT Service Integrator?

AvantGuard is dedicated to safeguarding businesses with industry leading cyber security solutions. Our focus on Microsoft and Azure cloud technologies ensures efficient and secure IT operations.

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1 (475) 265-4500
Our Services ~

Equip Your Business for Success with the Perfect Tools!

~ Why choose Us? ~

You deserve The Best technology support there is.

How we do it Why we do it What we do
Cyber security  firewall interface protection concept. Businesswoman protecting herself from cyber attacks. Personal data security and banking
Innovative Security Suite.

A Comprehensive Shield for Your Assets

With a focus on innovation and staying ahead of the curve, our team has carefully curated a suite of advanced features that work seamlessly together to create an impenetrable shield around your assets. From real-time monitoring and advanced threat detection systems to intelligent automation and remote access capabilities, our solution is designed with your safety as the top priority.

Burnout in coworking space. Businessman being tired and having migraine at work, trying to develop new ideas for startup improvement. Unwell overworked employee dealing with headache. Tripod shot.
Small Businesses.

Equally Vulnerable to Cyber Attacks as Larger Corporations

Most companies often assume that they are not at risk of cyber attacks, but the reality is quite the opposite. In fact, small businesses are just as vulnerable, if not more so, than larger corporations when it comes to online security threats. With limited resources and often less robust cybersecurity measures in place, small companies can be easy targets for cybercriminals looking to exploit vulnerabilities.

Close up finger businessman stopping wooden block from falling in the line of domino with risk concept.

Sophisticated IT Security Tools for Your Business Protection

You deserve peace of mind knowing that your business is shielded by sophisticated IT security tools. Your sensitive data, personal information, and business operations deserve top-notch protection from cyber threats. When you are working with AvantGuard you no longer have to settle for subpar cybersecurity measures just because you don’t operate on the scale of a large corporation. Elevate your defenses today and take control of your cybersecurity destiny.

Testimonials ~

Here’s what our customers have said.

Our clientele includes a diverse range of businesses across various industries, all benefiting from our tailored cyber security products and IT solutions.

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