
A cheerful man with a bright smile, sporting a neatly trimmed beard and casual attire.

Sachin Diwar

CEO /Founder
Ordered my first mobile app development to ITSoft Solutions. I was inexperienced contractor but they carefully listened to my request and try to deliver the best quality of service.
Portrait of a man with a beard, wearing glasses, and a white tank top, looking confidently at the camera.

Paul T. Lister

VP of Network
The support service is always run at the highest possible standard. All issues are resolved with a lot of care. All phone calls and emails are answered very professionally.
A confident man wearing glasses, sporting a light beard, and dressed in a smart casual blue shirt and a light gray jacket, smiles pleasantly at the camera, possibly in a professional setting.

Leticia W. Gentry

Sr IT Director
They have a fantastic team of specialists who are understanding, kind and informative. Their support feels both professional and personal to the company. No issues so far.
A confident young woman with a subtle smile, styled in a classic white shirt, posing in an interior setting.

Dusty A. Healey

Sales & Marketing
We consider Akita as our off site IT department and find you and your colleagues always happy to assist with our questions. Fantastic IT support for all business large.
A cheerful professional woman with curly hair, wearing glasses and a black blazer, smiling confidently against a white background.

Barbara G. Dundas

President, Principal
Full-featured and great support for the minor issues I had which were really my not being skilled/experienced enough with modern themes. Support is helping to fix my issues now.
Confident young professional in a sharp suit ready for business.

Ann C. Sands

Business Head
Working with several word press themes and templates the last years, I only can say this is the best in every level. I use it for my company and the reviews that I have already are all excellent.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)