Endpoint Detection & Response

Rapidly Detect and Respond to Ongoing Threats

Proactive Managed Detection Response

What Are EDR Services?

Endpoint Protection

The devices you use as a business are particularly vulnerable to threats as remote work grows in popularity and employees choose to bring their own devices from home. Endpoint protection is the cornerstone of EDR services, working around the clock to detect potential threats as early as possible and respond to them before they escalate. AvantGuard achieves endpoint protection using AI.

Machine Learning

You need more than just protecting your devices from potential threats after an attack has begun; security measures must also expand with each attack. AvantGuard uses machine learning to discover patterns and learn more about identifying threats and analyzing security-related data, which allows us to get a clearer picture of the threats you face and how to respond to them.

Log Aggregation

Endpoint protection generates countless logs, and AvantGuard can access each of those individual logs to dive deeper into potential threats against your business. Analyzing logs is an important step when it comes to discovering patterns that could provide valuable insight in terms of cybersecurity. AvantGuard can parse logs to identify any patterns that may indicate an imminent attack or a security-related issue with your endpoint.


Analysis is a key component of EDR services from AvantGuard. We collect vast quantities of data relating to the endpoints we monitor and the potential threats they face, allowing us to analyze that data to learn more about your devices and any potential vulnerabilities. With EDR Advanced from AvantGuard, you'll have a team of experts analyzing crucial endpoint data to gain valuable insights.

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(10am - 05 pm)