Data Protection

Don’t pay extra for backup retention

Stay compliant and safeguard your business data with our archiving solution. Whether you’re dealing with HIPAA or other regulations, we’ve got you covered. But even if compliance isn’t a concern for you, archiving is just good business sense.
Prepare for legal requests by setting up archive schedules now. Our solution ensures that your data is readily available for any future legal needs, whether it’s retention or recreation from a specific point in time.

Rest assured knowing that your archived data stays within your region with our global data centers. This means quick and easy access when you need to recover any information.

Forget about extra charges for long-term retention. Unlike other products, we don’t increase costs as your archives grow. Our billing is based on the devices and data being protected, so your expenses remain predictable and manageable.

Don’t let compliance and data protection weigh you down – empower your business with our comprehensive archiving solution today!

Don’t risk losing Microsoft 365 data

Are you looking for a comprehensive solution to manage your Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365) backups and recoveries? Look no further. Introducing the seamless integration of Microsoft 365 data protection into a single, unified dashboard that also manages servers and workstations.

With this innovative solution, you can now safeguard critical data stored in Microsoft 365 Exchange, OneDrive, SharePoint, and Teams using one integrated platform. No more juggling between different tools or interfaces – streamline your backup and recovery processes with ease.

Say goodbye to the hassle of navigating multiple systems to ensure the safety of your valuable data. This all-in-one solution provides a holistic approach to managing and protecting your information within the Microsoft 365 environment. Whether it’s emails in Exchange, files in OneDrive, collaborative content in SharePoint, or communications in Teams, you can rest assured that everything is securely backed up and readily recoverable when needed.

In today’s dynamic digital landscape, data security is non-negotiable. The ability to efficiently back up and recover information across various Microsoft 365 applications is crucial for maintaining business continuity and safeguarding against potential threats or mishaps.

Take control of your organization’s data protection strategy with a solution that adapts to the evolving needs of modern workplaces. By centralizing Microsoft 365 backups alongside server and workstation management, you gain invaluable convenience while enhancing overall resilience.

Don’t let fragmented backup solutions create unnecessary complexities or vulnerabilities within your IT infrastructure. With this unified approach, you’ll simplify operations, optimize resource utilization, and fortify your defense against data loss incidents.

Experience peace of mind knowing that regardless of where your critical data resides within Microsoft 365, it is comprehensively protected through an integrated system designed for efficiency and reliability.

Embrace the power of unified management – explore how this solution can elevate your data protection endeavors across Microsoft 365 while delivering a seamless experience from a single interface.

Back up Exchange and Teams

Automatically back up Exchange mailboxes, contacts, and calendars up to six times a day. Back up Teams channels, members, settings, and messages also up to six times a day.

Back up SharePoint and OneDrive

Protect SharePoint sites and permissions, including custom and sub-libraries, as well as OneDrive data and permissions with up to four backups a day.

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