Team Grid

A confident professional woman with folded arms, wearing a beige blazer over a light top, standing in a modern office environment.

Ashish Sudra

Founder & CEO
Lead the team of passionate developers, designers and the strategists with a lot of thought and analysis come true!
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Confident professional ready to tackle the day's challenges.

Rachna Sheth

Business Head
Rachna joined IT Solutions in 2003 and worked in a variety of technical support roles before becoming VP of Network.
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A woman enjoying a warm cup of coffee while checking her smartphone in a cozy, sunlit cafe.

Tapak Meni

President, Principal
As VP of Sales and Marketing since 1999, Jim oversees all new business acquisition at IT Solutions.
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A smiling professional woman engaged in a lively conversation at her office desk, exuding confidence and friendliness.

Ergi Laura

Sales & Marketing
Garrett serves as the lead VCIO (Virtual Chief Information Officer) to our clients and guides IT Solutions' technology strategy.
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Confident man with a friendly smile, standing with arms crossed, wearing a light blue polo shirt against a white background.

M. Bradbury

Managing Director
Rachna joined IT Solutions in 2003 and worked in a variety of technical support roles before becoming VP of Network.
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A confident young woman in a white blouse stands with her arms crossed, smiling slightly towards the camera.

Juan C. Blair

Technical Director
As VP of Sales and Marketing since 1999, Jim oversees all new business acquisition at IT Solutions.
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A smiling man with a beard and dark hair, wearing a casual navy blue t-shirt with striped detail, confidently posing against a neutral background.

Maria Speier

Management Consultant
Garrett serves as the lead VCIO (Virtual Chief Information Officer) to our clients and guides IT Solutions' technology strategy.
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Professional man smiling confidently with glasses and a grey blazer, conveying approachability and positive business demeanor.

Amy Dasilva

Customer Success
Garrett serves as the lead VCIO (Virtual Chief Information Officer) to our clients and guides IT Solutions' technology strategy.
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A cheerful young woman with blonde hair, showcasing a bright smile, wearing a denim jacket.

Veronica Johnson

Web Developer
Lead the team of passionate developers, designers and the strategists with a thought.

Veronica Johnson

Web Developer
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A confident man with a beard smiling at the camera, wearing a blue collared shirt against a light background.

Chanda Lewis

Web Developer
Lead the team of passionate developers, designers and the strategists with a thought.

Chanda Lewis

Web Developer
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Confident professional woman with a friendly demeanor.

Sandra R. Komar

Web Developer
Lead the team of passionate developers, designers and the strategists with a thought.

Sandra R. Komar

Web Developer
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A professional headshot of a smiling woman with blond hair, wearing a light-colored blazer against a grey background.

Jeffrey K. May

Web Developer
Lead the team of passionate developers, designers and the strategists with a thought.

Jeffrey K. May

Web Developer
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A professional headshot of a smiling woman with blond hair, wearing a light-colored blazer against a grey background.

Jeffrey K. May

Web Developer
Lead the team of passionate developers, designers and the strategists with a thought.

Jeffrey K. May

Web Developer
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Confident professional woman with a friendly demeanor.

Sandra R. Komar

Web Developer
Lead the team of passionate developers, designers and the strategists with a thought.

Sandra R. Komar

Web Developer
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A confident man with a beard smiling at the camera, wearing a blue collared shirt against a light background.

Chanda Lewis

Web Developer
Lead the team of passionate developers, designers and the strategists with a thought.

Chanda Lewis

Web Developer
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A cheerful young woman with blonde hair, showcasing a bright smile, wearing a denim jacket.

Veronica Johnson

Web Developer
Lead the team of passionate developers, designers and the strategists with a thought.

Veronica Johnson

Web Developer
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)